
Showing posts from December, 2019

December Newsletter

Well... 2019 is coming to an end! I am so fortunate and blessed to end 2019 as your child's teacher. It is a year I will never forget!  Thank you for sending your child to school with warm clothes for recess. Please allow time for your child to practice zipping up his/her jacket independently and getting ready quickly at home! If your child comes to school with snow pants, I always make him/her wear them. I remind every child that whatever they come to school with, they are required to wear (unless they have a note). Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  In Language, we are finishing up procedural writing (ex. steps one would take to build a snowman). We are organizing our thoughts using first, then, next, last. We will be learning how to write a letter this month. A big writing activity will be writing a letter to Santa. Please continue to read with your child at home, practice weekly word wall words, and write in their journals! If you have any questions